Category: Tree Species
Hits: 585

JRP or Japanese Red Pine (Pinus Densiflora)

JRP are prized for their celebrated bonsai characteristics:


This Conifer grows in the mountains of Japan, so they are much more cold hardy than the JBP. The thin and long needles make this the traditional “Female” to the JBP.

Our Cultivation:

These trees are from cuttings, we grow them from seed, then they are cut very short and grown under controlled conditions to establish new roots which grow radially around the cut. This method which makes for short trunks, low branches and radial roots, all prized features to create your bonsai. This process is labor intensive but this is how they differ from a tree grown at a traditional nursery.


While your JRP is young, meaning it has not reached your desired trunk size, you should feed it an acidic fertilizer or simply Miracle Grow MirAcid in a weak solution.

Once your tree has reached the desired size, it doesn't need to be fed very often, only if it shows signs of stress.

Your Conifer is planted in a non soil mixture of Volcanic rock, Pumice and a small amount of Peat Moss, it's very difficult to overwater them unless the water is no longer draining, if it runs off the top it's time for a repotting.